Panchakama Treatment

Your Health is in reliable hands

Panchakarma Treatment

Panchkarma therapies are intended to balance all of the body's doshas. Panchakarma therapies have demonstrated significant value in promoting mental, physical, and spiritual peace. At HIIMS, we make sure to provide the best panchakarma therapy for every health issue. Every form of treatment highlights how important it is to improve the body's overall health from the inside out. Since HIIMS uses a natural method, the health problem is removed from its source. Depending on the patients' concerns, we provide unique panchakarma treatments. Additionally, these spiritually based relaxation techniques aid in the improvement of your health without the use of contemporary drugs or invasive surgery. In order to provide you with the greatest Ayurvedic care, HIIMS believes in providing authentic and accredited panchakarma services.


  Panchakarma therapies help to boost the purification of the body naturally.

  These therapies are highly natural to eliminate toxin buildup from the body.

  Have capabilities to improve digestion and metabolism process.

  These panchakarma therapies help in weight management.

  Also, these therapies help to open up the blocked channels.

  For mind, body, and soul relaxation panchakarma therapies are
highly beneficial.

  These therapies help to rejuvenate and replenish the tissues.

  Most importantly, these therapies help to boost immunity.

  Panchakarma therapies work as the best anxiety and stress-buster remedy.



Patients Recovered
With Panchakarma


Patient From All
Over the World




It is a panchakarma treatment for headaches and migraines that also helps to clear the sinuses and the nasal tract to enhance breathing. This treatment includes a point-stimulating facial massage, followed by the inhalation of herbal steam and the pouring of herbal oils through the nose. Nasya is a crucial component of Panchakarma therapy, which involves giving ayurvedic oils through the nose to cleanse the central nervous system. To promote breathing and treat respiratory problems, this therapy also detoxifies the head and neck region and cleans, supports, and stretches the nasal tube. The nasal passageways are cleansed and strengthened with nasya to improve their ability to operate effectively.

Janu Basti


This therapy showcases high significance to the patients who are experiencing ailments in the knee. In Sanskrit,’ Janu’ indicates knee and ‘Basti’ indicates retaining Janu Basti. Janu Basti handles the pain, stiffness, and discomfort of the knee area. In this therapy, ayurvedic oil is used effectively to soothe pain and prevent stiffness, and inflammation in the joints area. Likewise, toxins are removed and joints get strengthened naturally. Janu Basti implicates pouring of warm ayurvedic herbal oil on impacted areas to rejuvenate the joints from inside out,



This Panchakarma detoxification procedure aids in the purification of the body and psyche. In Sanskrit, the word "Virechana" itself means "purging" or "laxative." Virechana is extremely effective at removing all ama (toxins) from the body and calming Pitta dosha disturbances. It is very beneficial for cleansing the small intestine. As laxatives and decongestants, the many ayurvedic herbs employed in the therapy cleanse the colon, stomach, sweat glands, liver, and spleen. It provides natural relief from metabolic problems, skin conditions, allergies, and gastrointestinal illnesses.



Vaman is one of the significant therapies in panchakarma that provides relief from Kapha disorders. This therapy is done for the disturbed Kapha dosha, which dislodges the harmful toxins specifically from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. This therapy is done for preventive & remedial purposes. When Kapha dosha rises, it causes specific types of disorders – such as cold, cough, etc. Vamana is created to expel it. The Kapha Dosha is required to be brought from the furthest point and other organs into the stomach, and then vomiting is induced.

Uttara Basti


The procedure known as uttara basti involves injecting ghee or oil into the uterine cavity. It is a significant procedure mentioned in Ayurveda for resolving uterine problems. It is Uttara, as the name suggests; according to the word's etymology, Uttara is an extraordinary variation of Basti. Since it is given such importance in Ayurveda, the method provides remarkable benefits for uterine health. Uttara basti, if appropriately timed and completed before pregnancy, will unquestionably give the uterus the necessary support and stability.